Unlock exclusive savings with our promo codes! Whether you're ordering custom apparel for your business, event, or personal use, our promo codes offer unbeatable discounts on bulk orders, individual items, and shipping costs. Simply enter the promo code at checkout to enjoy instant savings and elevate your brand without breaking the bank. Take advantage of this opportunity before it expires.
1. Vinyl Printing 10% Off - "HTV10" (expires March 31st)
2. Screen Printing 15% Off - "SP15" (expires March 31st)
3. Embroidery 15% Off - "EMB15" (expires March 31st)
4. 100 Soft Cotton T-shirts for $699 - Click here (expires April 15st)
Most t shirt screen printing orders are completed within 2 to 4 days. Depending on the order/season, eta may vary.
Call us today at 905-282-9292 if you'd like to place your order over the phone.